#WeddingWednesday Our Story

Hey y'all!!! Meet Jacob <3 

Here's a lil bit about us....
Before spring break last year, my srat big texted me about this guy she wanted to set me up with. She had set me up with guys before and obvi it never worked out very well. I told her no several times. I was like why would I start to date someone right before I graduate college. I had zero plans post grad and had no clue where I would end up. I was also in such a good place being by myself and growing in my walk with the Lord. I didn't want a guy in my life.

However, this guy kept persisting by texting my big trying to meet me. He had wanted us to meet him at a baseball game one night but I had already had other plans. That day ended up being a really bad day and I did not want to do my original plans so my big said we should go to the baseball game, not even thinking that Jacob had wanted us to go. About halfway through the game Bailey, my big, remembered that Jacob wanted to meet us at the game so she texted him asking where he was. He had already left and gone home but when she told him I was with him he drove back to the game just to meet me. Woah. So Jacob rolled back up to the baseball game to come see us. I pretty much ignored him the whole time bc I am supes awkward around boys, especially ones that have shown interest in me lol. All I really remember was how cute he looked in the hat he was wearing.<3

He told Bailey he wanted to get to know me more in group settings. That coming Friday was my last function and Bailey was my date. He met us at TTT’s after (a bar in Clemson...isn’t that where all great love stories take off??). Apparently he thought I was “perfect” and he asked Bailey for my number the next day. After some awko taco texting for a few days he asked me on a date. The end of the semester was so busy for both of us so we planned a date a week and a half away at the local coffee shop. I was soo nervous. I got up early for class that day to curl my hair, put on makeup and wear real clothes (things I never did for class).When it came time for our date he told me about 30 minutes before that he wanted to go hiking instead. Um excuse me… I was not dressed for hiking...I stressed about changing my clothes and rocking a ponytail but I just yolo-ed it and showed up to hike in my jeans, sandals, and a cute top.

I assumed the date would be bad, because most first dates are. My expectations were super low. We sat on a bench along the trail and talked for what felt like forever but also flew by. He pulled out a lunch box at one point with a water, sprite, coffee and a sweet tea because he said he didn’t know which one I would want. My heart melted. I was so sad when he said he had to leave to go to small group but was also super impressed that he was going to small group lol. As we were about to get in our cars to leave he asked me to hang out again sometime and I said of course!

Later that evening he texted me clarifying that when he said “hang out” he really meant go on a date. My heart melted again. Yes, I wanted a date. The date was planned for the upcoming Friday and to meet in downtown Greenville. We walked all through downtown and falls park and shared our testimonies, life stories, goals for the future, ate pizza and laughed a lot.  To say I was smitten is an understatement. When I got in my car at the end of the night to drive back to Clemson I had such a strong feeling I was going to marry him someday. I was talking to God praying about the date and I straight up asked God “Will I marry Jacob someday?”. I then shuffled my music and Long Live by Taylor Swift was the first song that played (it is only the best Tay Swift song ever and also the sweetest). I broke down crying and rejoicing. I was sooo happy. I called Bailey crying thanking her for setting us up and called my mom too. When I got back home I went to see my friends Paige and Becca and I told them “I’m going to marry him someday...look out for a save the date”.

Jacob and I made it bf/gf official May 8, 2018 just 3 days before graduation. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has been the best months of my life. We've done so much together. We graduated Clemson, moved to Atlanta, got jobs, went on family vaycays, went skydiving, Clemson football, went on a helicopter ride, traveled and so much more. I am so so excited to be on this journey with Jacob and spend the rest of our lives laughing, cuddling, growing in Christ and serving each other every day!

You'll for sure be seeing much more of Jacob soon!!

