Weekly Updates: May 15-21st

1. This week was full swing. My internship's big event was Wednesday-Sunday.
The event brought in people from all over the world. It was so cool getting to meet people from so many different places. I learned a lot this through this event and I'm super happy I got to be apart of it!

2. Through the craziness of this week, I didn't have much free time. However, when I did I found myself either watching Netflix (duh) or reading a new book. I'm currently reading "First Women". It's all about the first ladies and their time in the white house & their relationship to each other. Check it out!

3. For my job, I got to go on a dinner cruise on the lake. It was really cool. Food, boating & I brought my mom as my date (: My mom hates boats so she was freaking out the whole time. That was funny too LOL

4. I had chipotle twice last week. PTL.

5. I saw Neighbors 2. Funny, yes. Inappropriate, yes. Smokin hot Zac, priceless.

