June 20th- June 26th

This was a good week.
It was relaxing and busy at the same time.

1. Friday was my little brother's 19th birthday. YAY. We went to Clemson for dinner and had Smoking Pig. Smoking Pig is honestly the best BBQ, like ever. If you're ever in the Clemson area, definitely check it out. It'll change your life.

2. I had leftover Smoking Pig for lunch Saturday, praise. 
Does that count?

3. I got these super cute shoes from Dress Up

4. This weekend I got to work the Forward Conference with Dress Up. We had like a mini store and boy did we sell clothes. OMG. It was so crazy how fast everything was selling. It was so fun, I love being an It Girl. Saturday we also got to sit in on the morning service. Woah. It was awesome. Jesus was moving. The speakers were incredible. The worship was crazy good. It kind of made me upset that I never went to Forward before...maybe next year!

5. Pretty Little Liars started again this week. Of course, I've been hooked since I was a high school freshman. I just cannot stop watching. It's addictive. Once you start something, you just have to know how it ends and I don't think it's going to be ending soon. I love the characters and the writers definitely know how to keep someone hooked.

