Beach Trip!!!

Well, it's been a while.
I'm just getting back from a trip to the beach with my family and I didn't want to do a single thing on the trip besides relax and recharge. So that's why I haven't posted lately. I'm sorry.
But here is a new post recapping the trip and all the fun I had. I look forward to this trip every year! It's time spent with my favorite people, my cousins! We rent out a beach house for a week in Surfside, South Carolina and spend the week on the beach, the pool and lots of games of charades. We always have so much fun! 

Here's what my past week looked like:

Dinner in Murrel's Inlet. 

Surfside Pier.

Annual cousin putt putt game. I come in last every year. I really don't like putt putt, until this year. I don't know what happened but I did so good. I came in second place and had three hole in one's (the most out of all the cousins). Needless to say, I might like putt putt now.

The whole gang on the last night. We went and had a nice dinner and then the cousins all went to Broadway at the Beach to enjoy a night full of fair rides and a bunch of laughs.

I'm so thankful for the family God has blessed me with and that we get to take a week out of our summers every year to spend time with each other. I'm already looking forward to next year.

