Fav Youtube Channels

I'm obsessed with watching beauty and lifestyle videos on You Tube. I love connecting with s many different people who share common interests with me like fashion and food! Over the past year or two I've grown to know who my favorite Youtubers are. So, I want to share them with you! 

Sarah Belle.
My OG fav. She's so fabulous. Her old school preppy videos is what I live for. I still love her videos now but her style has changed. She's grown a lot while on You tube and it's been really awesome to watch.

Danielle Marie. 
If you ever want to relax and drink some tea, watch her! She's so relaxed and motivated all the time. She's very mature for her age and her videos just make you happy!

Michelle Reed. 
She's so original and loves Jesus. Her videos are happy and unique. I love watching them.

Monica Church vlogs.
Ugh I love these. She's so funny and she puts so much thought into all she does. 

Meredith Grace.
All things preppy and pink and navy.
Yes that's her. My favorite videos of hers are her Mail with Mere... such a cute name!! She's so genuine and down to earth.

Daria Smith.
Genuine. Preppy. Adventurous. It's so nice to watch her videos.

Other Favs:
Brooke Miccio
Aspyn + Parker 
Jeanine Ampapola
Morgan Yates

Check them out & let me know who your favorites are!!

