The Best Movies

If anyone knows anything about me, then you know I LOVE movies. Any kind of movie... chick flick, horror, kids, thriller, literally anything. I don't know why. It's so relaxing and just an escape from reality. I also love watching movies while I work. If I'm at home doing homework or blogging there's a 90% chance I'm watching a movie. Since movies are one of my favorite things, I've claimed some as my favorites. Here they are (:

1. High School Musical 1, 2 & 3.
Troy Bolton. duh. This has been a favorite of mine since they came out. The story and the message is phenomenal. I will never get over my love for these movies, plus did I mention Troy??

2. Hunger Games Trilogy.
Ok... confession, I've never read the books. Oh well. But the movies are SO good. I probably watch them at least two to three times (probably more) a month.

3. Harry Potter series.
Who doesn't love these movies???

(wow i really move series movies)

4. The Dark Knight.
The suspense in this one kills me. The joker is my favorite villain and batman is my fav superhero.

5. The Proposal.
I laugh so hard I cry every time I watch this movie. Ryan Reynolds is beautiful (bless you Blake Lively) and Sandra Bullock Is flawless. 
Can you guess my favorite scene?
**to the windowwww**

6. Cheaper by the Dozen.
It's a classic. It's funny. It's great for all viewers. And it never gets old.

7. Air Force One. 
It's a thrilling movie that I have watched for years with my family. It's so suspenseful and makes you proud to be an American.

8. I Know What You Did Last Summer.
It's so cheesy but who doesn't like cheesy horror movies???

I hope you all take some time to watch these movies. I love them, obvi... they got a blog post.

Oh, and if you'd like to be notified whenever I post... subscribe by e-mail on the side bar. It'd be much appreciated.

Until next time.
