July Favorites

1. Okay, I said I would never buy one but I have, actually I bought two...
Kylie Jenner Lip Kits. I know.
But actually they are so good. They seriously last all day long! I'm obsessed. I have Posie K and Koko K is on the way (:

2. Seasalt Spray.
I'm really into not doing my hair during the summer. It's just so much nicer. RT if ya feel me.
I got this seasalt spray in my birchbox and I love it. My hair looks perfectly beach-y after using it!

3. Chipotle. I've always been a fan but this month I've eaten it so much! It's nice and refreshing for hot summer days. Perfect for a mid week pick me up.

4. I've been a big fan of being lazy.
It's bad I know but, I just love laying in bed after a long day at work. It's a habit I need to break.

5. Music.
No longer Slaves-Bethel
Ever Be- Bethel
Touch the Sky- Hillsong United
In God We Trust- Hillsong

6. The beach.
This month I got the opportunity to spend the week at the beach with my family. (I blogged about it)

7. I've been reading Leah Remini's book, Troublemaker. 
It's really good and really sad to see all she has gone through in her life. & who doesn't love King of Queens?

8. Netflix pick.
I've been re-watching PLL. Yes, I've been addicted since the beginning but re-watching the show I've remembered so much. It's an addicting show.

This month was full of relaxation and rejuvenation. Next month is going to be crazy. Going back to school, recruitment, a new apartment, it's going to be a lot but I'm excited. 

Until next time.
