Summer Night Routine

Well since summer is almost over and I am about to head back to school, I thought it was time to post my night routine.
Better late than never right?
Obviously this varies from night to night but I try my best to keep a scheduled routine just to make my days easier.

I get off of work at 5. So i head back home.

I get home and immediately change into my workout clothes.

I usually check my social media, emails and catch up on you tube videos and watch some netflix just to relax and unwind for a little bit.

This can change depending on the weather, but normally at 7 I try to head on out to go run. I like to run at the high school and I try to run a 5k or I run a mile and a half to two miles and then run stadiums. 

After my run I either go pick up food or go home to cook something quick. Then i'll sit and enjoy my meal by catching up on tv shows.

I shower and get ready for bed.

I head to bed. My fav. I read my bible, a chapter in my book and try to catch some z's. I try to be asleep by 11:00-11:30 to get a good nights rest.

This is what most summer nights look like for me! I know, it's so exciting.
What's your summer night routine?

Until next time.


P.S. Follow by email in the side bar (: 
