all that's left.

I am twenty years old.

I am a junior in college.

& this past week it hit me how old I am. 

not necessarily my age but how my whole world is going to be totally rocked in just a little over a year. 

I am about to register for my second semester of junior year. As I was looking through my degree works, I saw I only need 39 more hours until i graduate. Uhm, that's like nothing. It honestly scared the junk out of me. In three short semester, I will be a college graduate, that's basically just a year and a half. A year and half left of actually being a kid. I am not mentally prepared to be a real adult. 
Like I am expected to get a job. 
like a real job, not a waitress, not a nanny like a career. 
That's crazy. 
College has been flying by.
I still feel like my parents just dropped me off for my freshman year.
I still cry and tear up when they come visit me and leave.

If anyone knows how can I can just do college forever hmu.
bc I refuse to grow up. It sounds awful. 

So, in the time I have left at Clemson my roommates and I have decided we are going to really do college. (bc we are are all grandmas and go to sleep super early and study all the time)

Here's our bucket list:

-Attend a baseball game

-Attend a basketball game

-go to the top of Tillman

-Watch the sunset from the top of Clemson House

-Have a picnic at the dikes

-Run the perimeter of campus

-Hike Table Rock (prayers appreciated on this one)

-Spend a full day in Greenville shopping and eating at cute restaurants 

-Road trip somewhere

-Go abroad (fingers crossed)

-Pull an all nighter (knock on wood  haven't yet)

- Ride the CAT bus

-Senior year: go to Fall bar crawl

-Ain't St. Patty's Day

-Go watch the sunrise at Pretty Place

-Go to Rush Blowout for at least 20 minutes

-Go somewhere for Spring Break

-Swim in the reflection pond

-.25 cent chicken tender night at Esso

-Find the underground tunnels

-kiss the 50 yard line of Death Valley

-Trivia night downtown

-Monsoon room

-Get our "I'm legal" shirt from TTT

-Go to an away game senior year

-Go to the Biltmore

-Have a nice dinner at Calhoun Corners

-Big sleepover with all of our friends

-Sign the secret book

-Pop champagne in front of Tillman after our last final

-Read the Thomas Green Clemson plaque after we graduate

Here's to the next year & a half full of laughter and adventure.

