Currently + May Favs

I used to do these posts frequently last sum.
Just updating you all on my life and some of my fav things & since May just ended I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share with you all!!!

Reading: Wait & See by Wendy Pope

I'm really enjoying this one! 10/10 recommend. It's all about pursuing your relationship with Christ in your time of waiting and not just "waiting" if ya feel.

Drinking: English Breakfast Tea

but what else is new???
Ok what's new is... I gave up sweet tea... crazy I know. Today is 4 weeks without sweet tea. I have no idea how I'm making it to be honest. Going to CFA is such a strug now bc I have to order water :( but it's way better for me so it's gucci

Listening: COUNTRY!!!

Summer is the perfect time to jam to some country jams. There's nothing like rolling the windows down on a drive home from work jamming to Hometown Girl by Josh Turner (which is currently my fav song rn!)

Eating: Homemade

I've been real into cooking this summer, probably because I have more spare time. My fav things I've made so far is for sure Cilantro Lime & avocado chicken. OH YUM! If you all want to see a post on this hmu


I am on the hunt for a new straightener. I've had my current one since 7th grade (LOL) so I think it's about time to upgrade, considering I am about to be a college senior.

Plz leave me comments w/ ur fav straighteners!! I need help!!


As crazy as this sounds, I have not started any new shows on netflix this summer.
I just really haven't had the desire to and there isn't a show I am dying to watch.. maybe this is adulting???

Even though I haven't been sucked in on the Netflix world, I have been watching so many Youtube vids! I think bc my favs are posting so often, I always have something new to watch!

Loving: Free Time & Sleep

So this past semester kicked my butt, I was always super busy and lacked a lot of needed sleep. & I am most certainly trying to make up for it this summer. Going to sleep around 9 or 10 is my goal lol and so far I have been succeeding for the most part.


A day on the lake. nuff said.


Blogging!!!! Although I am still trying to find a schedule that works best for me, I have been super motivated and excited to keep posting! 

+ My insta game has been fire lately, if I do say so myself. Go give ya girl a follow.

Love this outfit?? Check out my post on it!!

What are YOU currently up to?? Let me know in the comments!!!



  1. I got a bioionic straightener as a gift and it is seriously the best, all my friends always want to use it and before my hair was fried from color- I never noticed the straightener damaging my hair at all.

  2. Hello 💕💕 I love the GHD straightener! My hair is left feeling super smooth and there is no frizz when I use it!

  3. I NEED to read that book! It sounds right up my alley!!

    Sweetly, Sally //


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