The stressful times are here. School, work, clubs, everything starts now! During this time it is so important to take time for yourself and to take time to replenish and revive you personally in order to keep moving.
Here are some of my my fav things to do to boost my mood and just to take some time for myself.
1. Read your bible.
Open the bible, pick a book and read. Really dig into it and see what God wants to teach you during this time. Let Him fill you up.
2. Take one night.
Take a break out of your busy schedule for yourself. Plan a "me" night. Make yourself a yummy and nutritious dinner, take a long hot shower, turn on your favorite movie, paint your nails, light a candle, do a face mask. It's so simple but so so good for you! "Me" time is important!
3. Jam out.
Make a super upbeat and fun playlist and just have a 10 minute dance party to start your day. It'll get your adrenaline pumping, bring a smile to your face and make you want to have a great day!!
4. Call a friend.
There's nothing like calling "the funny friend" when you're feeling down and having them cheer you up with all their life happenings and some silly jokes! It'll take your mind off of your own issues for a few mins!
5. Be productive.
Make a To-Do list and go ham (tbt Kanye reference circa 2011), whether it's school assignments, work or cleaning your apartment being productive is THE BEST feeling + to do lists are my fav!!
6. Read
Pick up a book you've been wanting to read and go for it. Dive into a different world for a chapter (or twelve) and experience something new!
What do you like to do to boost your mood???
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