Round one: Open House

Round Two: Philanthropy
+Solar Eclipse Day

Round Three: Sisterhood

Round Four: Preference

So recruitment officially ended on Sunday! It was honestly so much fun. I loved being able to meet so many people and share with them why I love SK! Recruitment was really long days, late nights, lots of caffeine, lack of sleep, & lots of pizza. I am officially 100% exhausted, but I wouldn't want it any other way. As my time as AVP of Membership is coming to a close, I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve my chapter and I have grown so much as a person. It has challenged me in the best of ways. 10/10 recommend taking up a leadership role. Seeing how incredible our new PC is totally makes all the sleepless nights worth it!! I'm so sad this was my last recruitment in Sigma Kappa. I'm for sure going to miss it.

Go Greek!
Go Sigma Kappa!
Go Tigers!

