Finding Balance

It's no secret that college/high school is a stressful time of life. There's a lot on your plate at once. I've always been a person to take on a full load with classes, jobs, internships, clubs, church, sorority, etc. In high school I ran myself dry week after week. My mom said that every week I would hit a breaking point because I overloaded myself too much. I was constantly going and doing something. But I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

When I got to college, the best thing I did was plan my school schedule out that my senior year would be an easier year for me. Not that my classes would be easier (bc lol they're not #finance) but that the amount of hours I was taking would be less to allow myself a breather. 10/10 recommend. But that did mean that I took big loads of classes sophomore and junior year.

I'm not great at finding balance and sometimes I really struggle and have meltdowns and I don't always know how I'm going to get the work done, but God's always on my side and always helps me out.

So my first advice for you is to PLAN!!! Set up a schedule that works for you. Your planner is your best friend. PRIORITIZE! If you can't fit it into your schedule, don't do it. There are so many cool clubs/activities I wish I could do but I can't bc they're not my top priorities. Figure out what you want to prioritize and plan those first.

My priorities:
Church + School
I do these everyday. 
Monday: Class during the day, small group at night
Tuesday: Class during the day, college ministry at night
Wednesday: class during the day, student ministry at night

Then add in clubs/greek life/work.

The past three years in college I've pretty much gone all force. Most days I was gone from 7:30am to 8:00pm at the earliest to 2:00am at the latest. But I was doing things I loved and was made to do, so I always got it done.

If you're not passionate or motivated to do something, you're not going to do it.

I love going to church and being involved in small groups, I love school (ok sometimes, but I know it's something I'm made to do), I love my sorority, I love my job, I love making tiem for blogging, I love making time for friends, etc.

It's all about being motivated to do what you love. 
Life isn't about sitting in bed, watching Netflix, eating garbage, or sleeping in. I LOVE doing this don't get me wrong, but I couldn't do it everyday.

Some of my motivation comes from, if I know I work hard during the week and get my school work done and work done, then on Saturdays are spent at football games with friends and family. Those are the best days. It takes early mornings and late nights to get there, but in the long run it's worth it.

What do you have a hard time balancing???



  1. Aw, thank you so much for doing this! I definitely struggle most with balancing school and dance, I dance six days a week, usually from about 3-8 (or later) during the week, so balancing homework with that is a struggle lol. But i'm the same, I wouldn't have it any other way!

    xx Jocelyn //


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