Life Lately

1. Nordstrom is having incredible sales rn... I may or may not have purchased these.

2. I've been obsessed with brussel sprouts lately. Weird I know..They're highly underrated.

3. This dress is to die for.

4. What'd y'all think of bachelor in paradise this season??? It wasn't the best but still 100x better than Rachel's bach season.

5. I wanted some new pens for back to school and these ones changed the note taking game for me. I seriously get compliments on them all the time.

6. I got new makeup!!! Want to see a haul????

8. I participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer's on Saturday!! Here's the link to donate (: 

7. What's new with you guys???



  1. Def want to see a makeup haul!
    xx Jocelyn

  2. Okay this is my favorite picture of you of all time! And I would LOVE to see a makeup haul!


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