An Endless Love Affair

There are a few rare people who aren't obsessed with starbucks/cute coffee shops. Sadly, I am not one of those rare few. I get starbucks probably 4-5 days of the week, which is actually kind of sad. It's just the perfect Treat Yo self to get through the day + if I run out of time in the mornings to make my own drinks, it's on campus to run by and pick up a yummy treat.

Since the majority of us probably are avid Starbucks goers, I thought it would be fun to share my go-to-s @ starbz  + I wanna know what yours are!! 

1. English Breakfast Tea.
This is pretty much basic everywhere you go, but it's soooo good. The venti is the ultimate caffeine-filled, energy booster I need in the morning. I put splenda in mine to sweeten it up!

2. Passion Tea Lemonade Sweetened
This is the perfect pick me up for a warmer day. It's pretty and supes refreshing.

3. Peach White Tea Lemonade
It's the most refreshing drink. It's light and suddle but oh so good!!

4. Pink drink.
bc basic, duh (; 

5. Snackssss (: Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin Warmed.
The best thing about fall is pumpkin everything, amirite??? I'm obsessed with the pumpkin muffins and get them entirely too often, I may turn into a pumpkin bc of it but yolo.

What are your fav starbucks drinks??? I want to know!!
Comment on this post + Follow me on insta to see what starbz drinks I get on the daily bc of course I always gram them.

