22 Facts About Me!

Happy Tuesday palz!!!

It's ya gurl Eliz back @ it again w/ a new blog post wooo!!!
In case you don't follow my insta, my 22nd birthday was Sunday!

Last year I posted 21 things I had learned my junior year, so I thought I'd switch it up in order of celebrating 22!

1. The only good thing about 22 so far is the song 22, everything else has been a downward spiral. I'm seriously sooo old.

2. My fav animals are cows, dogs and tigers.

3. My first celeb crush was Justin Timberlake.

4. My biggest fear of dying is by drowning.

5. I want to be a mom more than anything but in like 15 years lol.

6. My least fav color is red, but it's fun to wear for new occasions.

7. Hilary Duff was my first concert in 4th grade.

8. I first got into blogging through watching Sarah Belle's videos and she would post videos hanging out with Krista!

9. I wish I could play some sort of instrument bc that's just supes cool.. I wish I could play the violin the most!

10. I really don't like awkward silences, I just babble when it happens which makes things more awko taco.

11. Gossip Girl was the first show I ever binge watched on netflix.

12. I can make my tongue touch my nose.
gross, yes... talented, yes

13. My dad was my same major at Clemson!

14. Laughter is the best medicine and I love ppl who make me laugh so hard.

15. I cheered in middle and high school so I could never have painted nails, but when cheerleading was over senior year my new year's resolution was to keep painted nails and I've done it pretty well ever since and that was 4 years ago! I'm at the point where it drives me crazy not to have them painted.

16. One of the biggest turns offs in my opinion is cussing, I cringe at the sound of it. But it's kinda weird bc i love rap music... i just rly don't listen to the words.

17. I graduate in 2 months and have zero life plans wooo

18. I don't buy bread bc it makes me feel fat when I eat it but I always have double stuffed oreos in my pantry.

19. I rly want to do something crazy like go sky diving for graduation but idk if I have the guts to actually follow through with it. Who wants to go with??

20. I have a birthmark on the back of my thigh and didn't know I had it until like 4th grade bc who looks at the back of their thighs???

21. I rarely ever plan out blog posts. I have a continuing list of ideas but kinda just choose a random one a few days before or even the day of, it's kind of fun this way bc it's all me and it feels more natural this way.

22. I'm a travel and tourism major and the only places out of the country I've been to is Uganda and the Bahamas. lolz

I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me!!

Leave a comment with a random fact about yourself!!!




  1. I LOVE Sarah Belle! Fun fact she went to college where I go in KY!! And also, I played violin for four years. I was awful. Lol

    1. Omg I thought so, but wasn't going to be creepy and ask lol!! That's so cool though!! I love the sound of one!

  2. Ha! I can touch my tongue to my nose too!!
    xo, Syd


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