So at the beginning of 2018 I feel like everyone had a word of they year.
I had never heard of it before and honestly thought it was kinda weird.
But ever since the start of 2018 one word keeps coming up.
In every sermon, every small group, literally everything.
I mentioned in an earlier post how my small group was reading Present Over Perfect.
You should read it.
But basically I've realized that I am so so so busy all the time that I'm never actually silent. I'm never alone. I always have music playing, always watching Netflix, always talking on the phone.
Honestly, silence kind of freaks me out and makes me uncomfortable.
But I've been trying to be silent. Even if it's just not playing music when I drive or sitting for a few minutes to relax.
It's changed the game.
I'm not good at it at all but the more I do it, the more I want to.
The more I feel more connected to God.
The more peace and joy I feel.
It's kind of crazy.
So, I want to continue being silent throughout 2018.
Whether it's simply sitting, driving or journaling.
The word of 2018 is
What's your word of 2018?
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