Why I Don't Want to be a #GirlBoss

You can't go anywhere on social media nowadays without hearing about being a #GirlBoss.
Everyone is striving to be the absolute best version of themselves, which is totally incredible and you should be.

But I feel like everyone is striving so hard to get ahead in the future and isn't taking time for the now.
The future is important don't get me wrong. We should be planning and trying to get to the next level, but there is a fine line between healthy and unhealthy, so I've learned.

It's all about balance and that's something I am still trying to figure out. 

Maybe this title is somewhat misleading but I want to be a #GirlBoss in my own way. I want to redefine it. I don't want to feel like I have to push myself too far, I don't want to be something I'm not,I refuse to be.
I want to be me in my own #GirlBoss way lolz

I want to take risks.
I don't want to wear myself out.
I want to challenge myself.
I don't want to miss out on opportunities.
I want to push myself.
I don't want to watch the years just pass by.
I want to enjoy now.

The now is just passing by and I don't want to wish it away. I'm going to keep pursuing my career goals and my future but I'm going to rest in knowing God's got me.

Does this make sense or is this just me rambling?? LMK what your thoughts are bc I rly am curious (:

