One Month

One short month from tomorrow I graduate from the best University.
Clemson has been my biggest dream.
It motivated me all through elementary, middle and high school.
Everyone knew I was obsessed and it was my number one place to be.

Now here I am four years after getting my acceptance letter.

Here I am one month away from graduation...
j chillin w/ zero plans

It feels like everyone around me has it figured out, which is the worst.
But in actuality a lot of people are in the same boat as me.

I feel like the devil is on one shoulder telling me lies and God's on the other telling me to trust Him.

I'm kinda at the whole YOLO part that whatever happens, happens. 
I know what I want, but I feel God has some different plans.

That was just my little rant on my life.


But also aren't my senior pictures sooo good?!?!?! Kylie Anne from Kylie Anne Photography did them and I am obsessed!!! Check her out!!


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