Products I Love

These jeans are on sale right now too!!!!

It has been quite  some time since I did a favorites post.. so there's a lot to catch up on.

Revlon Styler
Jacob got me this for my birthday and it is the best thing ever. I can go from soaking wet hair to dry straight and voluptuous hair in 12 minutes!!

Steve Madden Slip Ons
The only shoes I wear to work. So comfy and cute!!

Chloe Perfume
I have been o b s e s s e d with roses recently. Everything I own has to smell like them... even me.

Tula Face Wash
Ok so every blogger and their mother talks about Tula products so I was always interested. I got this face wash in my spring fabfitfun box and i love it!!!! My skin feels so fresh and so clean.. so clean (;

Southern Belle Conditioner

Drybars products smell sooooo yum. I love them so much! These products give my hair the best volume and make it great for styling! It helps my hair last a few more days without washes too!

If you wanna feel luminous and glowy this is the product for you!! Literally my skin glistens with this product. I use it as a primer under my cc cream! A little goes a long way.

Self Tanner + Mitt 
I'm all about that fake tan life and spray tans are too expensive. This is $12 and works soooo well!!!!

This Camo Jacket
If you've seen me around at all in the past month you would have seen me in this jacket. It adds so much to every outfit and is very versatile! 

What products have you been loving???

