What I've Been Reading

When I graduated college I told myself I was going to read much more. I do enjoy reading but I honestly have not made the time for it throughout the transition these past few months have been. However, I did knock out a few books in the past few months.

It's Not Supposed to be This Way

I love Lysa Terkeurst. She's such a great write and speaker and anyone can relate to what she's saying. She's raw and authentic and that definitely shows in this book.

Everybody Always
Such a good read!! Everyone needs to check this one out. We are so selfish and spend so much time living for ourselves that we forget we're not the point behind everything. God is and serving His people.

The Mingling of Souls
Such a good breakdown of biblical dating and marriage. I definitely recommend to anyone dating or married.

Biblical Feminity 
This one is all about how God designed women and the natural gifts He gave us, how they can be used for good and bad. It was so cool to see how all the desires and strengths I have all come from Him and He gave me them for a reason!!

What have you been reading lately??

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  1. Great post - these all sound like really nice reads! I will definitely need to add the Biblical Femininity to my "to-read" list... I just finished Bossypants by Tina Fey and am now reading a book called Trainwreck that talks about the unfair stereotypes that female stars (who turn into "trainwrecks") get placed into... It is super interesting! Thanks for sharing!
    -Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? The Chic Cupcake


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