Weekly Update #11

Hey Hey friends!!!
This is a super fun Weekly Update bc I'm recapping my time at the beach!!! I was at the beach from last Saturday until this past Wednesday. I spent time relaxing, eating yummy food and soaking in the sunshine. Vacation is sooo good to reset and truly relax. Now that I'm an "adult" I appreciate vacations waaaaay more. Especially recently, like has been sooo crazy wedding planning and moving Jacob into our apartment. We have been nonstop go go go so the vacation was highly appreciated and much needed. 

When we got back from the beach, I had one day left in the work week which was clutch and then I was on weekend time again! #praise I spent the weekend cooking and cleaning at the new apartment, trying to unpack my winter clothes and decorating to make it feel like home. Saturday, my dad, brother, Jacob and I all went to Topgolf to celebrate my dad for Father's day! It was a ton of fun. 

Sunday, Jacob and I tried out a new church in Atlanta and we both really liked it! After church, we went to brunch at Chido and Padre's with my family for Father's Day! After some yummy food it was nap time. I crashed for like three hours... it was great. LOL but by the time I woke up it was time to start getting my life together for this week and finally unpacking from the beach. It was a super good week!!! 

Here's some pics to recap: 
Also follow me on the gram bc I've been posting every day!!!!

The Beach.
Family time.
Good food.

My tailbone still hurts very bad from my incident at the lake... that's the only thing keeping me down rn..

Rando updates:
-I've been watching Handmaid's tale still and omg it is sooo good!!! 

-I've been eating lots of salads recently... I'm in such a veggie food rn but can't complain bc #health and #wedding

-I just repurchased my foundation & concealer

-I'm still obsessed with dresses... this is my current fav. It's on clearance and an additional 50% rn!!!! hurry and buy!!!

Recent posts:
My skincare routine

#WeddingWednesday Guest Dresses

Weekly update 10

