Tips + Tricks to Surviving College

Well, it's unfortunately almost that time again. The time of new notebooks, fresh pens, a new class schedule and lack of sleep is just right around the corner,

My first day back of classes is August 23rd. When do you all start back???

August 23rd officially begins my senior year of college + I do not know how to feel about it. But that's a post for another time.

Since it is time for senior year, I think I (well for the most part) have the whole college thing down. I honestly would not have survived without these tips!

1. Go to class.

I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I have skipped class. Yes, technically you do not have to go to class because most professors don't take attendance, but how else will you know what's going on in class and be able to stay on top of your assignments? It's important. You pay way too much to skip class just bc you want to sleep in. GO.

2. Pay attention in class.

Going to class is one thing (round of applause for going, bc that is a big deal). It's also more important to pay attention. Take notes, observe, ask questions, engage, make class pals. IT makes all the difference.

3. Invest in proper attire.

Running shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes. You can do it all in this one simple outfit. You can go to class, study efficiently, run errands, go to the gym, all in one outfit. It's incredible. 10/10 recommend.


Tips from some of my twitter pals, Check them out!

Jenna from The Urben Life.

What are your tips for surviving college?? Let me know in the comments!



  1. Yay I made it! Love this post. It has some super great advice that I wish I had known as a freshman!

    xo, Sarah |


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