Life Lately

So I haven't updated you all on all the exciting happenings of my life lately so I figured it was time.

All the exciting happenings mean pretty much nothing has been going on.

1. I'm still working my internship full time which I love! My last day in the office for this summer before recruitment starts is next Friday! It's crazy how fast this summer has flown by.

2. Since I last updated you all, I went on a family vacation to the beach where I took these pictures for this post!  It was so much fun! It is my favorite week of the year bc I get to spend it with my family at the beach, like it doesn't get better than that.

3. Life is about to get really crazy bc recruitment it about to start!! (YAY GO SK) So I may be mia for a while, but I still plan to have posts planned during that time!

4. I have been obsessed with these new arrivals. srsly check them out. I need everything. I've got to go on a major Fall shopping spree.

5. I am trying to post more on my insta story so I can really get to know you guys better to hit me up with that follow button.

6. My current wish list:



