Hey palz!!!
What is upppp??!?!
Y'all is it just me or is this semester flying by??? Literally the fastest semester of my life. Too many emotions.
It feels like formal was going to be so far in the future and no it's already happened. Y'all time is crazy woah (LOLZ hehe).
ANYWAYZZZZ... My senior formal was last week!!! Y'all it was so much fun. My dress is by far my fav formal dress thus far. #lastonebestone y'all know pink is my fav color so it only felt right to wear pink to my last formal!
I also wore heels to my first ever function bc #senior and they were too cute not to buy.
another first was my first ever spray tan.
to say i was scared about getting a spray tan would be an understatement.
i was convinced i was going to come out looking like i should be in willy wonka if u get what im sayin
but it actually went rly well and the tan rly just made me not look like my typ ghost like self.
i'll deff be going back and doing it again!!
What have your spray tan experiences been like??? LMK
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