What I Learned In College

College is the best 4 years, don't let anyone tell you differently either.
It's a time of freedom but also good structure. lol I sound so old.
College has deff had it's ups and downs and I've learned a lot, but I wouldn't change it for a second. Here are some things College has taught me.

1. Grades do not define you.
I was crazy about my grades in high school and they honestly defined me, or so I thought. Even though I have definitely stressed out too much and worried too much in college, I honestly didn't as much as I used to. Throughout college, I didn't put all my eggs in one basket if that makes sense. I put some in school, some in church, some in my sorority, some in friends and some in work. I am so thankful I didn't spend everyday in the lib. I got to do a lot of things, which sometimes wore me out, but I'm very thankful I didn't go crazy about grades all 4 years.

2. Take care of you.
This is something I used to be so terrible at, and I am slowly getting better. Sometimes I just need to take a step back and stop trying to do everything. It's okay to stay in sometimes and say no to opportunities if it is going to better myself in the long run.

3. Don't go boy hunting.
LOL u know what I mean. I've seen so many ppl in my life that are constantly hunting for the next boy. It breaks my heart. Throughout college I honestly put boys on the back burner and put maybe 1/2 an egg in that basket lolz. Don't go looking to find a boy, the right one will find you when it's time. Ya I haven't found my time yet, but it'll come at some point if that's what God wants for me. I spent college hanging with pals and making some great friends that I made great mems with. I wouldn't trade these past 4 years with my pals for nuthin.

4. Invest in church.
Being involved in a church has always been important to me and something I have always done throughout my life. I believe in the church and what it stands for. Throughout college, I got involved in a church that I have seen God move in so much. I'm thankful for the serving opportunities, pals and all the investment ppl have made in me these past 4 years through church.

5. Follow Your Dreams.
Cheesy and cliche.
Everyone has a different path lined out for them, no one's is the same. Don't feel pressure to do certain things bc that's what someone else's plan is. Do you and follow your dreams. Don't let anyone stop you. Yeah you'll have setback but just do what you love. Mine is blogging and shopping and helping ppl. I know it's my dream in life and I'm going to make it happen.



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