Weekly Updates #3

Monday was a pretty chill day at work, nothing exciting happened. I published THIS blog post. When I got off I headed home to enjoy a snack and relax a little bit before heading to the gym. I had such a good workout. It was challenging and I felt so good afterwards. Following the gym I cleaned out some of my stuff from high school and treated myself to a chick fil a dinner bc I had a coupon for a sandwich. I ended the night by reading Romans 8, showering, washing my makeup brushes and started some laundry. It was a super solid and productive Monday that I think set me on the right track for the week.

Tuesday was another chill day at work followed by a blog work date with my friend Natalie. It was so motivating and awesome to bounce ideas off of each other. Afterwards, I headed to Jacob's in Atlanta. We made this yummy chicken and vegetables for dinner and watched How I Met Your Mother. After I cleaned the dishes I headed back home.

Wednesday I posted my third #WeddingWednesday post. & you all seemed to love it! I went straight to church after work and after church went home and crashed.

Thursday was a long day at work topped off with a good workout at he gym and Mexican for dinner. I walked around target afterwards and picked up a few things I showed in my insta story haul.

Friday after work I got to spend time with Jacob picking out the suits for the wedding and we topped the night off with pizza and ice cream. 

The weekend was busy moving my dad out of his house and church on Sunday. It was a good week but I think this week will be much better. I'm knee deep in Real Housewives and trying out some new to me products from the Ulta sale!

How was your week??



  1. Great post - it seems like you had a nice week :) My week was pretty good, I have a lot of final projects coming up which is a bit stressful, but nothing I can't handle.
    -Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? The Chic Cupcake


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