What My First Year Post Grad Taught Me

Image may contain: Elizabeth Johnson, smiling, standing and hat

Hey Hey friends!!!
Let's get reaaaal.

I really cannot believe I graduated college over a year ago. College was truly the best years of my life and I could never express my gratitude more.

This past year has been a complete whirlwind. For your whole life you and all of your friends are in the same stage of life.. school.. school and more school. Then boom you graduate. My friends were still in undergrad, going to grad school, getting real jobs, not getting real jobs.. everyone was all over the place. I think it's so difficult because you go from such a high for four years, especially at the end with so many celebrations and exciting events, to sitting at home on your mom's couch.

Personally, I did not start my job until 6 weeks after graduation and got the offer that same week. Those 6 weeks were so challenging. I moved home because I didn't have a job at school to support myself anymore, so I was broke and I needed my parents to feed me lol but rly. During that time I was still trying to live my life in Clemson as much as I could while also being psycho about applying for jobs and interviewing as much as I could. I felt like a failure because I was poor, jobless and friendless (I had friends just none at home). It was such a fun time..... sike...

Eventually, I got my job and I thought things would be better... nah
Adulting is just hard... 

This is what I learned my first year as an "adult"

1. Not having homework is seriously the best.

2. God is faithful and He will always provide.
I hate that I always doubt this and don't always see it. He comes through every time.

3. Learning a new job is tough.

4. People are mean.

5. It's okay to not be okay.
It's funny how God has to teach me the same lesson several times to finally understand.

6. Everyone has a different path.

7. Save ur $$$ but still having a spending budget.

8. Fight to make friends. You really need them where you're at, at least one or two.

9. The adjustment from college to adulting is hard.

Until next time.



  1. I'm excited to look at this in a few years when I graduate college.


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