June 5th - June 12th

1. Tuesday, I got to to spend the evening on the lake with some friends. It was a lot of fun. We got dinner and got to ride around on the boat watching the sunset.


2. Did you guys see the Bachelorette this week???
OMG Chad, can't even with him.
My favz are Jordan, duh, Chase, Derrick, James Taylor and of course Luke.
I'm pretty upset there isn't a show this week, guess we just have more to look forward to next week!!

3. Saturday morning I woke up early enough to get Chick Fil A breakfast #praise

4. I got to road trip, kinda, with my best friend and it was just really nice to spend some time with her Saturday.

5. This week was full of lots of rest aka sleep. I didn't do a whole lot this week and sometimes you just need those weeks. 

I'm ready for this week! Let's make it great!!

