Productivity 101

I am one for productivity. I love making to do lists & feeling so accomplished when I check off that very last thing. As we all know, it's super hard to stay productive in the summer. I don't know about ya'll but I just want to nap everyday. 

However, as much as I want to just sleep I can't. So I have some methods as to how to get some things done during the summer. 

1. Make a to do lists. 
Trust me. It's a life saver. You can write down everything you need to do to make sure you don't forget it. Every night I make a list of what I need to get done the next day to keep myself accountable.

2. Sleep.
Not during the day!!!! Sleep at night. Get a good nights rest. Don't stay up late playing on tumblr or online shopping. You'll regret it in the morning.

3. Drink water.
I always feel so much better when I drink lots of water. It makes me feel like I can conquer the world! 

4. PLAN.
My planner is my life. I can always be found with it. Anything and everything I need to do or important dates are all in there. Get a good planner and use it year round. Planners are not just for the school year. 

5. Tidy up.
Make the bed.
 Pick up the clothes.
& get rid of the water bottles. (if ya know ya know)
It's hard to get things done when your life is in shambles. So clean up a bit and I promise it will help.

Hope this makes your summer be a bit more productive!

