21 Things I Learned Junior Year

Last year I posted 20 Things I Learned My Sophomore Year, & It has definitely been one of my most popular posts. So I figured I should carry it on and do a similar post for my junior year of college! 

It's crazy to think that my first blog post went up exactly a year ago today! Happy anniversary!!!!

Here goes nothing:


No, I did not learn this this year. I've always known it. The world just learned it this year. & I thought y'all should hear it from me again.

2. Nothing goes exactly as planned.

Oh boy. This is a biggie. I live through my planner, it gives me life. I'm a big fan on planning things out way in advance and knowing exactly how things are going to work, but that never actually pans out. 
& I have to be okay with that bc I'm not in control & never will be. 

3. Dogs are always your best friend.

At the start of 2017, I lost my puppy that we've had since I was in 7th grade. I'm actually obsessed with him and always will be. I miss him so much. #Brooks4ever

4. People who care will try, others won't.

This is another tough pill to swallow. I'm such a people pleaser and want everyone to like me. I love keeping my friends close, but there are some friendships just not meant to be. People who take interest and truly care about you will show it, and others won't. 
& it's okay. 

5. Whole 30 sucks.

If ya know, ya know. nuff said.

6. Littles are a gift from God.

In October, I got littles. Not one, but two. They're literally both the most perfect people I've ever met and I am obsessed with them. They're always there to pick me back up when I'm down, have late night lib dates, and eat really unhealthy food with me. I love them with my whole (not 30) heart.

7. Do you.

Yeah, I guess it probably took me too long to realize this one, but just be yourself. Who cares what someone else thinks, a real friend will be your friend in every season and every day.

8. Some things aren't meant to last.

This year, some of the best of friendships were lost. I'm okay with that. I'm thankful for the time I did have and the memories I'll have forever that continuously shape me to who I am. 

9. Queso works miracles.

Ain't nothin better than some queso after a long week of school, amirite? I am. I've grown to become a big fan of Monterrey's this year with zero shame.

10.  The Best laughs are @ the lib.

This is probably due to the late night cram sessions, the study buddies & too much caffeine, but nothing makes studying hard for that econ test like some good ole chuckles from ur pals.

11. Hobbies.

People always ask what your hobbies are and what you like to do in your free time. I've never really had an answer to this question, until this year. I've always enjoyed shopping, fashion, pinterest, blogs, you name it. But I just never recognized it as something I love until recently bc honestly none of my friends like it like I do. & that's okay. I'm not going to not like something bc my friend's don't.

12. Be Kind.

My senior quote says it best, " No matter what happens in life, bee good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." - Taylor Swift
My desire in my life is that when others think of me, they think that I was kind to them. Some of the people who have impacted my life the most are the ones I've known to be genuinely kind to me and to others, and that's the legacy I want to leave behind. ( & the fact T Swift said it makes it even better )

13. Find your passion.

Now this one kind of coincides with #11 but oh well. 
My passion is fashion.
LOL I suck..
but really, I could talk to anyone about clothes for hours. I love hearing what people like and don't like. I love how an outfit can change your personality and you can be anyone you want to be. I know it sounds stupid to most, but it's what I like and I can't help that. Yeah it's materialistic, but there are so many ways to meet people where they're at & I think this could be my way to be there for others.

14. Migos.

#14 is my fav number fun fact.
But I love Migos. They just make the best jamz. I honestly don't know anyone else who actually likes their music but oh well again hahah
highly recommend
don't judge
don't listen if ur too young
im sry 

15. Change is a good thing.

I h8 change. I'm a big supporter of schedules, calendars, and consistency. Life isn't like that though. Change happens, embrace it. 

16. Clem > sc

Again, I always knew, but now you do too.

17. Experiences > things.

Ok, here comes my inner PRTM. Invest in experience, not things. This year I spent more money on concerts, games than I did things and I deff don't regret it. I also did things I normally wouldn't have, stepping out of my comfort zone. Except Kanye, that I could have done without... 

Here are some of these experiences...

Kanye West- Saint Pablo Tour 

Greek IV retreat.

Sigma Nu Skills & Drills. + Flag football team.

ACC Championship in Orlando, FL.

CFP National Championship- Tampa, FL.

Atlanta Braves Opening Weekend- Sun trust Park.

18. Hard work doesn't always pay off.

but that doesn't mean not to work hard.

19. Never adult.

Enjoy being in college, bc it's almost over. Don't get caught up in the bad stuff. 

20. Thursdays are for girls nights.

21. You define your own future.

Junior year, you were good to me.
Thank you. 
Let's make the last the best.
Senior year, let's go.


